An Autonomous Institution
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
Dongargaon is a village located in the rural Tehsil of Nagpur, Maharastra. The postal head office of Dongargaon is located in Bori, Nagpur. This locality, majorly, is a residential area. Some places near Dongargaon include Dodma, Kuchadi, Pachgaon, Sasegaon, and Uti. In addition, the cities located near Nagpur include Umred, Nagpur, Kamthi, and Ramtek.
Latitude: 12.9151 N
Longitude: 80.0325 E
Name of the village: | Dongargaon |
State: | Maharastra |
Gram Panchayat: | Dongargaon |
Block: | Nagpur Rural |
District: | Nagpur |
District Code: | 4411 |
Lok Sabha / Constituency: | Nagpur |
Pincode: | 441108 |
Distance from District HQ: | 5KM |
Area of village (Ha): | 429.11 hectares |
Railway Station Name | Distance |
Dongargaon Railway station | 15.9 KM |
Khapri Railway station | 10 KM |
Ajni Railway station | 16.9 KM |
Nagpur Railway station | 20.3 KM |
Airport Name | Distance |
dr. babasaheb ambedkar international airport | 10.4 KM |
Particulars | Total | Male | Female |
Total Population | 1644 | 875 | 769 |
Literate Population | 1152 | 647 | 505 |
Illiterate Population | 492 | 228 | 264 |